It’s time to start thinking about your fall and winter stay at Desert Shadows RV Resort in Phoenix Arizona. Conveniently located nearby top attractions and facilities, Desert Shadows is the perfect place to escape the cold, harsh winters in many other states. You may not want to visit during hot summers, but the temperate winters make Phoenix the perfect seasonal home.
Visit our website today to check our weekly, monthly and yearly rates if you plan to stay for a while. We will soon start our activities schedule back up — with social events, excercise, church services, potlucks and much more. We will include news and activities in our newsletter, blog and on our Facebook page.
Last year we hosted dances featuring live bands, line dancing classes, holiday events, golf tournaments and much more. We hope to have many familiar faces back this year as well as new guests. Desert Shadows RV Resort not only hosts these activities, but is nearby many restaurants, grocery stores, shops, museums and the Mayo Clinic.